Wednesday, December 18, 2024

My Top 10 Boardgames Published in 2024


Here's a look at my 10 favorite games published in 2024.
(Or else made available in North America so late in 2023 that there was no way to really play them before the calendar flipped.)


I've just scratched the surface here, but I already like (a lot!) what I see. Yes, this is another COIN game from GMT—volume 12, if you can believe that—but this one being fictitious makes possible a host of things we haven't seen elsewhere. From truly asymmetric factions (The Church of the Reclaimer is a blast—and a brain twister—to play) to semi-random storms that'll hit your forces hard unless they head for cover, this is a brave new world for the COIN series.


Before The Crew, nobody thought a co-operative trick-taking game was possible; nowadays, it seems there's a new one every other month. Jekyll & Hyde vs Scotland Yard is a two-player game to boot, and a damn clever one, where players try to manipulate the number of tricks they win so that Jekyll/Hyde makes it home before the police can catch him. Rotating trump suits and the occasional potion will keep players on their toes—almost as much as the title character.
(You can read my flash review here.)


I thought I had weaned myself off collectable card games back in the day, and this year I tried two new games that confirmed those feelings: Star Wars Unlimited (yawn) and Lorcana (visually superb but mechanically generic). Then I gaveI Altered a shot and ended up purchasing two booster boxes. It runs on very innovative gameplay, killer visuals, and nothing short of a revolutionary publishing plan. I'm very much looking forward to what's on the horizon.


Orange is a solo/co-op game of resistance in the Netherlands during World War II. Several scenarios require players to dodge German checkpoints, smuggle supplies (even people!) into dangerous locations, and resort to violence when there's no other way. An impressive system and overall package, and from a first-time designer, no less.


A cutthroat bidding game about building a city in the sky, with simple rules that pave the way for tense and rewarding gameplay. I played the game this was based on—Metropolys—once, years ago; I never felt the need to play it again. But Skyrise elevates (ha!) the action and makes everything shine.
And while there's no denying the deluxe version is seriously overproduced, it does look great on the table.
(You can read my flash review here.)


I tried a few submarine games over the years, but they were either too convoluted or else too much "on rails" with few player decisions and an experience that felt more like watching the game happen around me.
Wolfpack hits the sweet spot: Despite the game's XX pages of (generously illustrated) rules, it's easy to get into a routine of going out on patrols, spotting juicy merchant ships, arming and firing torpedoes... and also evading escorts, dealing with crew injuries, putting out sub fires, fending off flooding and performing a dance of death with depth charges on a daily basis.
What's not to like?


Not only did this fifth volume in the Men of Iron series convince me to take the plunge, but I enjoyed it so much that I promptly tracked down the four first volumes and am eagerly awaiting #6. The game offers tactical medieval battles with just the right amount of chrome to give you something satisfying to bite into while never overstaying its welcome. 
Just make sure you leave your units room to retreat. You'll thank me later.


One of those abstract two-player games with minimal components, a cerebral look, and that ubiquitous "place four pieces in a row" victory condition, Oxono almost looks like a toy. Until you play (and lose) your first game, that is. Players move an X and an O totem, both acting as poles around which you can play a corresponding piece (X or O) in your color. It's those pieces you're trying to align, in any colors. So you win if you put the fourth X in a row/column of Xs, or the fourth O in a row/column of Os, no matter who placed the first three; you can also win by scoring a row/column entirely in your color, whatever symbols end up in there.
You can't imagine how challenging—and addictive—that is until you've tried it.


This is one of those rare cooperative games where the alpha player problem (running everyone like puppets in an otherwise solo game) cannot happen, because the whole thing revolves around secret information everyone is trying to deduce from the occasional clues put up by their partners. Your bomb squad needs to defuse bomb after bomb by cutting pairs of like-numbered wires: one facing one of your friends (and whose value you're not always sure of) and one facing you. 
And whatever you do, DONT' CUT THE RED WIRE!
(You can read my flash review here.)


Last year's #1 entry (Mr. President) began thusly: "The most complex and longest game on the list..." And I'm forced to recognize that it's also the case this year. I might have to seek treatment.
Downfall is kind of a monster game that eats up an entire table (or two) and whose short scenario lasts six hours. Hey, playing the last act of WWII ain't a walk in the park! But the game flows so wonderfully and without any downtime that I find myself transfixed, for however long the whole thing takes.
It is a stunning design that I can't wait to play again.
(You can read my review here.)

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I define disappointments as games I expected a lot from, and which failed to deliver. 
Here are the "top" three from 2024.

I rarely post negative reviews of games on this blog (life's too short!) but my feelings were so negative in the case of Heat's first expansion that I couldn't do otherwise. (So here it is.) I wasn't disappointed: I was thoroughly pissed off.
In short, I thought they did everything completely wrong, making Heavy Rain the worst expansion I've come across in 30 years of boardgaming. It almost deserves an award just for that.

This one is kind of a mild disappointment, in that I expected great things from this narrative game, and in the end only got "things" that were more often than not on the right side of fun without really making me feel like I'd need to replay the campaign, or get my hands on eventual sequels. Fun enough to borrow from a friend and try once, I guess, but that's pretty much it.

I think it's the first time a game from GMT ends up in this section of my yearly Top 10, and it breaks my heart. I had high hopes for I, Napoleon, but the decision space ended up being way too narrow for my taste. And I really wish there were just one or two lines of historical text at the bottom of each card, so that I could at least learn new things if I'm not actively choosing stuff.
A pity.
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Let's end on a high note with three games that would have made my Top 10 had I encountered them back in the year when they were published.

Scout is the second trick-taking game on the list this year, and deservedly so. It's a clever, twisted and fun little bundle of joyyou should see that diminutive boxyou can carry anywhere, that plays great with any number of players (including two!) and that will surprise and entertain anyone you ensnare with it.

Two abstract games on the same list might be a first, but I won't shy away from my admiration of this as-clever-as-it-is simple (and elegant) little game. Move a piece according to the pattern highlighted on one of your three cards, then give that card to your opponent. THAT'S IT. And since there are oodles of different cards (did I mention expansions?), no two games are ever alike.

Mandala is one of those games that feels so classic, so elemental, that you can't help but think the design already existed as a traditional thing played by generations past. Right? Nope: made up by two guys a few years ago.
But no matter how (not) old the game is, it's a splendid example of a simple system yielding remarkable depth. 

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Saturday, December 14, 2024

Flash Review — Jekyll & Hyde vs Scotland Yard

Players: 2
Age: 10+
Playtime: 20 min
Complexity: 4/10

Jekyll & Hyde vs Scotland Yard, in addition to being a mouthful, is a co-operative trick-taking game that unfolds over 10 brief chapters: you can either link those together to form a campaign, or tackle them individually, in any order you wish.

Each round sees the play of eight tricks, with each trick comprising three cards: one from each player and one from the City deck. You know the drill: follow suit if you can, otherwise anything goes. The first color to hit the table becomes the most powerful suit for that round, while the second color to make an appearance becomes the second most powerful suit—leaving third place for the game’s remaining color.

Each trick is won by whoever (including the City) plays the highest card in the most powerful suit
, and those cards remains in full view for future reference. Clever use of potion cards allows players to manipulate the relative strengths of all three suits, exchange a card with the City deck, or even steal a trick previously won by the City.

When eight tricks have been played (and won), the round is scored: the Jekyll/Hyde pawn moves forward one step on the board for each trick taken by the player who won the fewest tricks, plus one step for each 8-card found in the tricks of each player. But be careful: every 1, 2, or 3 also found in those tricks will move the Scotland Yard pawn forward one step.
Play a second round, and then you and your buddy succeed if Jekyll/Hyde made it home before the police caught up with him.

But it’s not enough to avoid losing. Each chapter presents different ways for players to earn points: win a trick by playing an 8, win the final trick, etc. Tally your score for the whole campaign, and then try to do better.

The game is simple, fast, devilishly clever and addictive.
You should be playing it right now, instead of reading this!

Most easily forgotten rule: Turn order is indicated on the Character token, and moves either clockwise or counterclockwise.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Flash Review — War Story: Occupied France

Players: 1-6 (but see below)
Works well with just 2: Yes but… 
Age: 14+ 
Playtime: 45-60 min 
Complexity: 4/10

As agents of the SOE (Special Operations Executive) at the height of WWII, your job is to infiltrate German-occupied France and link up with the resistance movement there, in order to carry out a string of missions from which there is likely no coming back.

War Story: Occupied France is essentially a solo game that you can play with friends: there are four agents in play at all times, but none of them is assigned to any given player. It’s just a pool or resources that you—and your eventual partners—can use as needed.
It’s also very much built like a choose-your-own-adventure novel, with numbered paragraphs to read, decisions that send you to further paragraphs, and so on. I would go so far as to say that it’s not quite a game: it really is more of an interactive novel, with some light game elements peppered throughout. (If you want an actual hybrid of interactive story & boardgame, This War of Mine delivers in spades.)

But is this interactive story any fun? Yes.
The game runs on very simple rules, making it possible to crack the box open and start playing right there and then; it also comes with three scenarios that throw you deep into occupied France and force you to make difficult decisions from the get-go. You can play each scenario individually or link them up in a three-part campaign. Best of all, each scenario is replayable, despite the absence of randomness anywhere in the system.

I would however dock War Story: Occupied France quite a few points because of the sheer number of errors in this first edition of the game. You’ll frustratingly have to spend a while correcting the various paragraphs (and cards…) highlighted in the FAQ before you get going. And we’re not just talking typos (although they do exist: just ask the unfortunate Domonique you’ll encounter in the game): these are wrong paragraph numbers, erroneous instructions, as well as missing icons and various indications. It’s unacceptable; especially from Osprey, a publisher that should know better.

Also, I can’t for the life of me figure out why—much less how—you’d play this with more than two players. Remember, it’s an interactive story: there’s not much to do, even for one person playing this solo. So if a buddy wants to enjoy the ride with you, fine. More than that, and they’ll start asking themselves what they’re doing there.
But SIX players? That’s insanity.

Most easily forgotten rule: You can only spend special tokens when the current paragraph shows the chevrons icon.

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